Seven Herbs for Urinary Tract Health

A couple of years ago I met my first "ethnobotanist". I had to ask her to explain to me what exactly ethnobotany is: in a nutshell, ethnobotany is the science which studies how plants are used in various cultures.

People in all cultures have experienced UTIs. It stands to reason that many cultures contribute knowledge about native herbs that have worked for them to help people overcome pain and infection.

Here is the story of seven such special herbs and their cultures of origin.

(1) The first herb we will look at is Agothosma betulina, known more popularly as buchu. The aromatic buchu leaves have been used for generations in the east and southern parts of the African continent. The Khoi peoples around the Cape used buchu as a diuretic and to help relieve bloating. British doctors in the colonies used buchu to treat inflammations of the urinary system including cystitis, urethritis and nephritis.

(2)Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (umbabazane), also known as Bear Berry, has a large range across North America and Europe. North American First Nations people have made tea with the leaves and applied poultices for a variety of problems, but particularly as an antibacterial agent to overcome urinary infections.

(3)One of the most pleasant scents of all therapeutic herbs emanates from Melissa Officinalis ( or lemon balm. Use of the soothing lemon balm is recorded over fifteen years ago in Greece, and the leaves have also been gathered across Northern Europe for milennia. Lemon balm is calming, antiviral and antibacterial.

(4)Avena Sativa -- or the "modern oat"-- started out in Asia and was wide-spread across the plains of North America and Europe. Oats were once commonly brewed in a tea against "water retention". It was recognized as a calming and reviving substance.

(5)Most of us have heard of St. John's Wart, or Hypericum perforatum and probably think of it in terms of being a sort of non-pharmacological anti-depressant. This versatile little herb was also used as a tea for bladder infections. St. John's Wort orginated in Europe.

(6)Billberry, or Vaccinium myrtillus is known in my backyard as the "blueberry". It is the only true blue fruit. Aboriginals in this Pacific Northwest ate the blueberry as a staple food. We know today that it is high in antioxidants and many of us include it in our breakfast regimen to build our immune and repair our cells. It's a "super food". The leaves make a lovely fragrant and powerfully healing tea.

(7)The final herb of the Select Seven is Echinacea angustifolia, the beautiful cone-flower that grew wild on the Canadian prairies (and as far South as Texas) in "the old days". The North American indigenous peoples used echinacea as a general antibiotic and a means of sweating out infections. Today it is recognized as one of the important infection-fighting, immune boosting herbs.

Any one of these powerful herbs will help you to stave off Urinary Tract infection, but when they combine as a team-- as they do in specific therapeutic doses in Native Remedies' UTI Clear -- they have had a great deal of success in helping people overcome Urinary Tract infection.

Read more about how you can be helped by this incredible herbal combination. Read the testimonials from people, like you, who thought they would be trotting off to doctors for pharmaceutical drugs for the rest of their lives-- who are delighted with the results of a more natural healing that herbs in the UTI Power Pack provide. And when combined with the super immune boosting qualities of ImmunityPlus, you might never get another bladder infection or case of cystitis again!

Healers all over our globe have known about these powerful herbs for hundreds of years. I'm not sure why it has taken so long for our generation to 'get it'-- but, I for one, am not willing to spend any more time fooling around with my health when the wisdom of the ages has the answers I've been looking for.
Click Here to Order the UTI Power Pack

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