Showing posts with label UTI and bladder infection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UTI and bladder infection. Show all posts

Ideas to Prevent UTIs from Women's Day Magazine

Checkup: UTI
Photo: © Comstock

Preventing a common condition

By Woman's Day Staff Posted July 08, 2008 from Woman's Day

What does it feel like?
Most people with a urinary tract infection (UTI, a.k.a. cystitis) will feel an urgent need to "go" (even if only a few drops of urine come out), pain or burning when urinating, and back pain or a dull pelvic ache.
What causes it?
A UTI occurs when bacteria gets into the urinary tract and then the bladder. UTIs affect more women than men. Being pregnant or using a diaphragm that doesn’t fit well may increase your risk. Dehydration is also a culprit: "Urinating regularly flushes out bacteria, and if you’re not drinking enough, you won’t go to the bathroom enough," says Jennifer Ashton, M.D., an ob-gyn at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center in Englewood, New Jersey.
How do I treat it?
If you have symptoms for more than 24 hours, call your ob-gyn or primary care physician. She’ll test a urine sample, and if you do in fact have a UTI, she’ll prescribe an oral antibiotic. You may feel better after a few days, but make sure you finish the round of pills or the UTI could return and be more difficult to treat. Don’t worry if your urine turns some wacky hue like purple or bright orange; it’s a common side effect of the meds. To ease discomfort while you’re waiting for the antibiotics to kick in, your doc may also recommend an OTC pain reliever like AZO, Uristat or Cystex.
How can I prevent it?

Don’t hold it in! Waiting too long to go can stretch the bladder and damage its lining, making it more vulnerable to bacteria, says Larrian Gillespie, M.D., author of You Don’t Have to Live with Cystitis.
Drink cranberry juice. A recent Rutgers University study found that drinking 16 ounces daily prevented 80 percent of all bacteria from sticking to urinary tract walls.
Urinate after sex. Intercourse can push bacteria into the urinary tract; emptying your bladder before and after sex helps flush it out.
Get more vitamin C. Eating foods that are rich in vitamin C (such as oranges and strawberries) may acidify the urine, which helps prevent the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract.
For more information Visit the National Kidney Foundation at or the American Urological Association at

Did you know?
UTIs account for about 8.3 million doctor visits each year and are considered the second most common infection.

Eating blueberries can help prevent UTIs by stopping bacteria from attaching to urinary tract tissues.
above article found at

References in this blog are meant for information only and if you have a condition of concern, please consult with your trusted health care provider.

Do Natural Remedies Actually Work for UTIs?

There are a lot of urinary tract infection remedies out there, but which ones actually work? We've all heard and likely tried the standard cranberry juice cure, but are there other things that are just as or even more effective? There are. Actually, there are a number of simple things you can do to treat your UTI at home, right now.

What you eat when you have a UTI can make a world of difference when it comes to cure time. One of the most effective urinary tract infection remedies is to avoid certain foods when you have an infection and when you are prone to them. Some women just seem to move from one UTI right into another. If it is a chronic issue for you there are things you just need to steer clear from including chocolate, coffee, and tea .... The basic rule here is to avoid anything that has a high acidic content. The shift in diet is definitely worth it if you want to save yourself from the discomfort of recurring UTIs.

Echinacea is a natural treatment option that is gaining in popularity. People who take this herb on a daily basis will tell you that it helps them fight off everything from the common cold to UTIs. Of all the urinary tract infection remedies being touted, this one has the most added benefits. Taking Echinacea on a daily basis will build up your immune system. Not only will it help you to avoid getting another UTI in the future but it will help cure the one you have now. You can buy Echinacea in almost every pharmacy and grocery store now. It's helpful in many ways and can keep you safe from all types of infection.

Urinary tract infections can impact your life in many ways. If you are suffering with one, you already are well aware of how painful and uncomfortable it is. There are natural and effective ways to cure your urinary tract infection. Find out more about what you can do to relieve the pain and discomfort, from this helpful site.
You don't have to resort to medications to cure your urinary tract infection. If it's impacting your life or if you've had recurring episodes, there is a natural cure that will offer complete relief in just 48 hours.

References in this blog are meant for information only and if you have a condition of concern, please consult with your trusted health care provider.

Please, NO UTI at Christmastime!

It is interesting and makes sense that when we are most stressed we will tend to come down with infections... the holiday season is a good example of this, particularly for middle-aged women and Urinary Tract Infections.

Along with stress, poor nutrition (lots of sugars, processed "treats" and fats) , lack of proper sleep, and worst of all-- too much alcohol and caffeine-- are escalators of urinary tract infections that for some will mean a whole year of low-grade antibiotic prescriptions.

 Here's good news from a recent published study in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy --  researchers describe how cranberry extract works as well as these antibiotics to keep the UTI at bay, and without any nasty side-effects (eg.: diarrhea, upset stomach and yeast infection)!  This is the first comparative study of its kind-- and I guess you could say that "the olde wives" who were wise to the wisdom of  cranberries had it right for eons, eh?

Click on this link to see more-->

But don't go about slugging back bottles of commercial Cranberry Juice and hope for good results-- the sugar in that juice will counter any of the effects you are hoping for. Instead, either buy organic frozen cranberries and whirr them up with frozen blueberries, parsley, a couple of cored organic apples and filtered water in a heavy duty blender like a VitaMix, or get any of a number of products that contain Cran-Max which is made from 100% cranberry fruit solids through a proprietary process that optimizes the natural benefits of the whole cranberry without solvents, preservatives, sugars, water, flavorings or colors.
Click on this link to see more-->

References in this blog are meant for information only and if you have a condition of concern, please consult with your trusted health care provider.

Avoiding Kidney Damage with UTIs

by Joe Barton

Are you one of the millions who are searching for an effective UTI natural cure that works holistically with your body? If so, this article is for you!

About 8 to 12 million Americans will develop a urinary tract infection (UTI) in the next year. And most of these people deal with the uncomfortable and dangerous affects, including pain and burning in the bladder and abdomen when urinating, chills and fever. And many deal with these symptoms too long and suffer from severe kidney damage that could be fatal.

The good news is that curing your UTI is very simple. And you do not need any antibiotics (in fact antibiotics could cause more harm) with a UTI Natural Cure.

The Cause and Cure of the Infection

What causes urinary tract infections? In most cases, the infection is a result of bacteria, such as E coli, that get into the bladder or urinary tract. The bacteria immediately begins to multiply if the conditions are right.

Your body will typically be able to fight off the "bad" bacteria, but at certain times - when immunity is lower - the bacteria can proliferate and an infection is the result.

Typical treatments for the infections include a host of antibiotics that work to kill the bacteria. This might work if you were to become immune to the bacteria and never get an infection again. However, antibiotics also have their shortcomings because they also kill 'good' bacteria in the body. Not to mention, they also cause the bacteria to become completely resistant to antibiotics. In other words, you could be super-charging the bacteria for your next infection.

Researchers have found that people with re-occurring infections are usually people who have taken a number of antibiotics!

The good news is that you can naturally treat your UTI with simple remedies that naturally kill the E coli and flush it from the urinary tract.

Treatment Before Kidney Damage

If you notice blood in your urine, have excessive pain in your lower back or side, or have extended fever, nausea, or vomiting, contact your primary care physician immediately.

Kidney damage or failure is very serious and can be caused by urinary tract infections. Recurrent infections may cause scarring in the kidneys which can lead to high blood pressure and eventual kidney failure. Over time, urinary tract infections can also lead to other diseases and structural abnormalities. One common disease that is caused by recurrent infections is kidney stones.

Though you might be worried, it is important to know that you can cure your urinary tract infection in hours! In fact, if you practice simple lifestyle 'good' habits, this might be your last infection.

Here are Some Ways to Prevent UTIs

1. Drink plenty of fluids. Research shows that drinking plenty of water and even cranberry juice can reduce the chances of developing UTIs. Water will flush the system. And some think cranberries contain a compound that may stop certain bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract wall.

2. Urinate often and as much as possible. Do not give the bacteria time to attach itself to the bladder's walls.

3. Wipe from front to back to prevent the intestinal E coli from entering the urinary tract.

4. Clean the genital area every day and before and after sex.

5. Add parsley to your diet. This garnish provides the urinary tract with apiol which is a volatile oil that acts as a urinary tract antiseptic. We recommend boiling one cup of water, add 1 teaspoon of parsley (fresh or dried) and allow mixture to steep for 10 minutes. Strain parsley from water and drink up!

Cure Yourself at Home in 12 Hours

As you have learned, UTIs are nothing to mess around with! We encourage you to seek treatment as soon as possible. Any treatment is as good as no treatment. However, if you would like the knowledge to cure and prevent UTIs permanently, please visit our UTI Natural Cure website.

We offer a step by step, 100% guaranteed urinary tract infection natural remedy that uses the latest research and is even doctor-approved. For the most effective natural health information, check us out today!

Natural! Researched! Guaranteed! Joe Barton and Barton Publishing have helped thousands naturally treat their urinary tract infections with no antibiotics. For a UTI natural cure that works in less than 12 hours, please visit us for your health's sake.

UTI Natural Cure

Related Articles - UTI natural cure, naturally treat urinary tract infection, kidney damage, holistic, natural, remedy report, cure, treatment, E coli, Barton Publishing,

Relaxation and the Urinary Tract

Relaxation is absolutely ESSENTIAL for top physical and emotional health. Start carving some necessary self-care time for yourself today...

What do you need to do to get that time free?

First you might need to convince yourself that you deserve it... do you?

Well known fact: if you honour yourself for the time you take to look after you, others will be more likely to value your time as well.

Are you open to finding a little wedge of self-care time?

Suggestion: Start by doing an inventory of the following (in three columns):
(1)Activities I like (2)Activities I hate (3)Activities I am ambivalent about

Look at the activities that you list under Column 2 and ask yourself: Must I absolutely do this? If so, is there an easier way to get this done?

Look at activities in Column 3-- are there some you can eliminate or do differently?

The idea is to have more time to do the Activities from Column #1-- the ones that feed your soul and keep you healthy!

How to Beef Up your Diet and Avoid UTIs

T. Colin Campbell is the respected, multi-award winning scientist and author of The China Study. He found both in a professional reading of the scientific literature, and in his own much esteemed longevity research, that people who eschew animal-sourced foods (including meat, fish, chicken, dairy and eggs)in favour of a plant-based diet, live longer, healthier lives.

Dr. Campbell observes on page 3 of his book, A New Path to Better Health, "the transition toward a plant-based diet offers benefits too powerful to be ignored, no matter what stage of life or health you're in."

Look for natural ways to live a healthier life and to avoid or overcome urinary, bladder and kidney problems.

How Water Can Stop Urinary Tract Infections

Years ago I attended a "hydrotherapy" class during a wellness weekend at our church. I was surprised to find that hydrotherapy means nothing more mysterious than "treatment with water"! What is amazing though, is that simple everyday-taken-for-granted H2O is so powerful!

For example, water hydrates like no other fluid
... that means that water will restore important body fluids and chemical balance and will plump up the old prune, if you know what I mean. Dr. Agatha Thrash, natural healer at the Seventh-day Adventist Uchee Pines Centre, advises that when you feel a urinary tract infection coming on, then you begin to increase your water intake. Don't overdo it, though, because the Hygiene school folks believe that too much water can get in the way of the body using energy for healing to deal with an excess of water... just listen to your body and drink sips when you are thirsty. Quite often we drink other fluids instead: coffee, soda, beer, packaged juices. Take a break from those particular fluids and just drink "pure" (filtered) water... no calories, no chemical additives, no nutrients that must be digested.

I came across this little item in a larger article about the necessity for drinking more fluids and not becoming dehydrated:
Cystitis, Urinary Infections:
If toxins contained in urine are insufficiently diluted, they attack the urinary mucous membranes.
Start drinking more pure water if you are subject to urinary tract infections!

Along with drinking water another form of hydrotherapy for UTIs includes alternating between a hot and cold "sitz" bath. The idea is that during infections our circulation in the affected organs is congested, or slowed down. Cleanse your uro-genital area from front to back and then run hot water in a tub (just a few inches-- enough to immerse your nether parts when sitting carefully in the tub). In another basin put very cold water. Arrange the basin so that you can (1)Soak in the hot water for 3-5 minutes and then (2)Sit in the cold water for 30 seconds. Repeat this process 3 times (ending with the cold water). Do this two times a day during a urinary tract infection until the infection clears.

It's a good idea to look for simpler, more natural ways of dealing with urinary tract infections.  Along with this simple and natural "water cleanse" you might benefit from doing as many of the following as possible:
(1) Eat as many fresh, organic fruits and vegetables as you can afford (some great recipes on the web if you are not a veggie fan)
(2) Take some walks and/or get some other gentle exercise (if you are not used to exercising)
(3) Try taking a break from drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, consuming dairy (milk, ice cream, cheese, etc.), and animal foods (meat, fish, chicken, dairy, eggs)
(4) Practice good hygiene
(5) Avoid sexual contact or use a condom (avoidance during a UTI makes sense)
(6) Shower, don't bathe, and don't use soap on your lower regions-- soaps can contain all manner of allergens and chemicals that cause disturbances to the mucus membranes and urinary tract/ anus, rectum, etc. Wash with water alone, or with a mild solution of water and apple cider vinegar.
(7) Take a break from sugars and fatty foods
(8) Take a bottle of clean, filtered water with you wherever you go and sip throughout the day
(9) Look for ways to lower stress in your life.  Tapping (known sometimes as EFT) can help.  It is easy to learn.  Click image below:

Learn Acupressure to Treat Urinary System Pain and Other Issues