Several recent scientific studies focus on the efficacy of prayer in healing. Persons who were unknowingly prayed for by strangers fared better than those who were not prayed for (after four months). One of the studies' critics states "people who believe in God or in prayer typically fare better than those who don’t, according to medical research." (Sciencecases.org)
The Internet is rife with 'prayer sites' that invite surfers to come in and post their requests for intercessory prayer (a ministry of those who pray for others). Some of these sites have testimonials of the healing of urinary infections through prayer. (You can go post your prayer right here, by clicking on the "Need Prayer" button on the left.)
Seattle Times reporter, Nancy Bartley, wrote an article in April 2006 about the "International Healing Rooms" located throughout the United States and the World. Christians trained in a "healing prayer ministry" make themselves available to those who need healing. The service is free. There are testimonials of people having been delivered from urinary tract infections and much worse dis-ease through this ministry. They are organizing a "National Day of Healing" for October 28th.
You can see a clip that tells about it by clicking here.
In a chapter on Healing in his book,
Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home, Richard Foster says that intercessory healing prayer involves four major steps. The first step is
listening to that inner still small voice and to the person, or persons, who are sent to minister to you. The second step is asking God very clearly and graphically what it is that you want. We are to ask as if the healing event is a "given". The third step, which follows closely to this, is
to believe that what we ask for will be granted. This is the step of assurance, or faith. The final step, of course, is to
give thanks. Foster has beautiful examples in his book, including a very touching story of how a woman expressing great gratitude for her family of origin received unasked for healing for her particular infirmity as a result of her
attitude of gratitude.
You are welcome to do your own research into this phenomena. I can personally attest to the power of prayer in my own life.