Tips for Natural Prevention and Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Showing posts with label UTI Bladder Infections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UTI Bladder Infections. Show all posts
Castor Oil for Urinary Tract and Bladder Infections
In ancient times, the castor bean plant was referred to as the "Palma Christe" because the shape of the leaves was thought to resemble the pierced palms of Christ. The oil from the bean has long been held with great esteem as an effective healing agent for a multitude of illnesses and disabilities.
My personal experiences with castor oil were unpleasantly memorable and not something that I ever hoped to smell or taste again. I was therefore a little shocked when a very good friend of mine (blogging here) started to tell me about all the magical qualities of castor oil for healing, soothing and getting rid of wrinkles.
And wouldn't you know it-- castor oil is also useful in healing cystitis, urinary tract infections and/or bladder infections! Simply rub generously into the skin on the lower abdomen, lie down, cover abdomen with a 'flannel', and put your heating pad (best) or hot water bottle (okay) on top of the flannel for 30-60 minutes. The castor oil I bought at Safeway was near the laxatives (of course- since that is the usual reason people in North America use it) and cost less than $3 for a small bottle. I would rather have bought the "cold press" variety they suggest in different places online, but I couldn't find it in the stores I went to. When I am done with this bottle, I will go back to Walmart and ask the pharmacist (who was gone last night by the time I got there). Please let me know if this works for you, or if you have tried it for other things. If you watch the video below (by my favourite Aussie naturopath) you will learn more about poultices in general.
All the best!
References in this blog are meant for information only and if you have a condition of concern, please consult with your trusted health care provider.
Healthy Urinary Tract is part of a Healthy Immune System
The more I read and think and hear about "dis-ease", the more I recognize how important it is to have a strong immune system. The following excellent audios are by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo and Tera Warner of Raw Divas. They may only be available temporarily, but they are worth listening to if you have the opportunity! If you wish to be part of a group detox, please go here to register: Deep Tissue Detox.
Here are the excellent calls:
**Candida and Leaky Gut (<--Click to listen)
**Gut-Brain Connection: Autism, ADD, Brain Fog, etc. (<---- Click to listen)
**Hormones, Thyroid Imbalance, Weight Gain, etc. (<---Click to listen)
**Environmental Sensitivities and Allergies (<--- Click to listen)
The stronger your immune system, the less likely you will have long-standing, serious disease. If you are interested in a Deep Tissue Detox with guidance and support, go here.
**Image is from where several positions are demonstrated with efficacy for good health. The shoulderstand is said to be good for the thyroid.
References in this blog are meant for information only and if you have a condition of concern, please consult with your trusted health care provider.
Here are the excellent calls:
**Candida and Leaky Gut (<--Click to listen)
**Gut-Brain Connection: Autism, ADD, Brain Fog, etc. (<---- Click to listen)
**Hormones, Thyroid Imbalance, Weight Gain, etc. (<---Click to listen)
**Environmental Sensitivities and Allergies (<--- Click to listen)
The stronger your immune system, the less likely you will have long-standing, serious disease. If you are interested in a Deep Tissue Detox with guidance and support, go here.
**Image is from where several positions are demonstrated with efficacy for good health. The shoulderstand is said to be good for the thyroid.
References in this blog are meant for information only and if you have a condition of concern, please consult with your trusted health care provider.
UTIs and What Body Parts NOT to Wash With Soap
Dr. Ben Kim writes that he does not recommend using even the mildest probiotic soap on a regular basis
"...on the anal sphincter area or so that it comes into regular contact with the inner walls of the
vagina or the urethra in males and females.
(The urethra is the tube through which urine exits the body.)
These areas have specialized mucosal linings that shouldn't be dried out with any type of soap - warm or hot water is all that should be used in these areas.
The rest of one's private areas can be washed with soap without ill effects. It's the mucosal lining that is INSIDE of the areas mentioned above that should be protected.
If the anal sphincter is washed with a mild soap, then one can apply some natural moisturizer to this area right after washing - coconut oil or something similar would work well for this purpose."
The Essential Italian Cure for Bladder Infection
Pour about a 1/4 cup of tomato juice into a glass and add 6 drops of pure unadulterated Oregano oil
I am not a doctor so the above is simply repeating what I read on the "Essentially Yours" news site. Use at your own discretion.
Coconut Oil and Urinary Infections
Some urinary infections are fungal in their source. We have all heard of Candida, for example. An overgrowth of candida can spread like wildfire from the mouth, throat, and throughout the body-- into the urinary tract and urinary organs. Minimizing sugars (including those found in grains) and stress are two preventative measures. Eating Virgin Coconut Oil every day has been shown to be a good preventative and restorative measure. "The unique properties of coconut oil make it, in essence, a natural antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiprozoal food." - Bruce Fife, N.D
More About Essential Oils and Urinary Infections
It goes without saying that you should get your abdominal pain checked out by a trusted health care professional. In the meantime, it might be helpful to apply the following oils over the painful lower abdominal area in a clockwise motion (diluted in a teaspoon of vegetable oil for easy application:
2 drops Thyme
2 drops Clove oil (quite a hot oil, so be sure to stay clear away from any mucus membranes and dilute as above)
You can also try:
Fragrant Blessings,
Cynthia Zirkwitz
YLEO Ind.Dist. #607652
2 drops Thyme
2 drops Clove oil (quite a hot oil, so be sure to stay clear away from any mucus membranes and dilute as above)
You can also try:
Fragrant Blessings,
Cynthia Zirkwitz
YLEO Ind.Dist. #607652
Clove oil,
UTI Bladder Infections
Old Wives' Tales...
When my mom was in her thirties, I was a teenager. Hard to believe, but the dear woman who is confined mostly to bed these days in a nursing home (a very nice nursing home)was once a magazine-reading, phone-chatting, goulash-cooking young woman. She had lots of advice about just about anything that I had happening in my life. It was never solicited. Some of it was from magazines or pop psychology books (that she read at the rate of about one every two days) and some was from her doctor, who she came close to idolizing. One of her suggestions was from this doctor about urinary infections. He told her to drink a pitcher of "Freshie" (like KoolAde)at the onset of the infection. Today we know that the sugar would pretty much counter-balance any effects that there might be from the acids (if that was the idea). But, there you have it, another piece of information to do with as you will! I personally make a drink of raw garlic and lemon and stevia (proportions are what I like... you choose how much of each you want) and blend up. This works for any infections and really helps to base the pH of our blood system.
Ever Considered This For A Urinary Infection?
In our household where essential oils rule, we all wear these terra cotta pendant diffusers-- I also give them away to treasured clients and as gifts... terra cotta 'holds' the essential scent and healing energy for up to several hours. The essential oils travel very quickly up into the amygdala and are dispersed throughout the cell systems of the body. Order by clicking on the picture below!
(This is not meant as a prescription).
(This is not meant as a prescription).
How Can Reiki Help a Urinary Infection?

For those of you who have studied some Reiki, it is helpful to try it for relief from cystitis and other effects of urinary infections.
A full reiki treatment is always suggested, but for quick application you can apply touch to reiki points #13 and #26 (Root Chakra-Red).
There are many videos on Youtube that purport to explain the Reiki expression of the Root Chakra, but I thought this one would be the clearest:
natural methods,
point 13,
point 26,
root chakra,
UTI Bladder Infections,
How can Yoga help a Urinary Tract Infection?
Inversion exercises, such as yoga head and shoulder stands, give some relief to the abdominal organs and are considered a useful physical discipline in "toning up". If you have experienced serial urinary tract infections, get thee to a yoga class!
Look for simple and natural remedies for all illness.
Look for simple and natural remedies for all illness.
UTI Bladder Infections,
The Pain...oh, the Pain
My history with UTI probably began when I was a tot. I have a recollection of a searing pain in my groin that brought me to my knees as a 5-year old one sunny Spring day on my paternal grandparents' front lawn. I recall that pain because it repeated itself many times down through the years...
I recall bladder infections that were so excruciatingly painful that I passed out on the floors of public washroom cubicles.
At five I was put to sleep with ether and my appendix was removed. This was in the Glory Day of the Surgeon's Knife: appendectomies, gall bladder removals, tonsilectomies, mastectomies, lobectomies, hysterectomies... it's a challenge to find a man, woman, or child from that era who is intact.
Well, I have struggled through life without an appendix, but I continued to get urinary tract infections. At different times I worked in hospitals, so would check into Emergency to get some drugs to kill the infection (usually Sulfa in the old days). I guzzled gallons of cranberry cocktail and hoped that that would cure it. When it didn't, I would go off to my doctor, or to the walk-in clinic after hours, and ask for something powerful to knock "the bug" out of my system.
I did the prescribed hygienic protocol: I carefully wiped myself from front to back; I showered instead of bathing; I wore only cotton undies. And still I got two, sometimes three, urinary infections each year.
I was often referred to specialists, usually urologists. Once I had a cystoscopy (a scope of my urinary system, particularly my bladder).
Still the urinary infections persisted. And no one seemed to know why.
I went to see a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practictioner. I filled out a lengthy information sheet for their files asking questions about everything from my digestion to my family medical history (in fair detail) to my recurring dreams.
And to make this story a little shorter, after a few weeks using homeopathic drops a couple of times a day, I have not had a urinary infection since. No more stinging cystitis. No feverish, mind-fogging, nauseating pain emanating from my ureter or bladder or kidney or wherever. In over five years. Nada.
Since that time I have become a believer in less invasive, more natural forms of healing as a first line of action. I feel much more confident, in general, and I feel more in charge of my own health and wellness journey.
Because of my fairly prolonged experience with urinary tract infections I am devoting this blog space to sharing learnings about living on the other side of that pain and torment. I hope you will check back here for tips, articles, and encouragement. Please also feel free to comment on anything you read here and to add your story to the mix.
I recall bladder infections that were so excruciatingly painful that I passed out on the floors of public washroom cubicles.
At five I was put to sleep with ether and my appendix was removed. This was in the Glory Day of the Surgeon's Knife: appendectomies, gall bladder removals, tonsilectomies, mastectomies, lobectomies, hysterectomies... it's a challenge to find a man, woman, or child from that era who is intact.
Well, I have struggled through life without an appendix, but I continued to get urinary tract infections. At different times I worked in hospitals, so would check into Emergency to get some drugs to kill the infection (usually Sulfa in the old days). I guzzled gallons of cranberry cocktail and hoped that that would cure it. When it didn't, I would go off to my doctor, or to the walk-in clinic after hours, and ask for something powerful to knock "the bug" out of my system.
I did the prescribed hygienic protocol: I carefully wiped myself from front to back; I showered instead of bathing; I wore only cotton undies. And still I got two, sometimes three, urinary infections each year.
I was often referred to specialists, usually urologists. Once I had a cystoscopy (a scope of my urinary system, particularly my bladder).
Still the urinary infections persisted. And no one seemed to know why.
I went to see a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practictioner. I filled out a lengthy information sheet for their files asking questions about everything from my digestion to my family medical history (in fair detail) to my recurring dreams.
And to make this story a little shorter, after a few weeks using homeopathic drops a couple of times a day, I have not had a urinary infection since. No more stinging cystitis. No feverish, mind-fogging, nauseating pain emanating from my ureter or bladder or kidney or wherever. In over five years. Nada.
Because of my fairly prolonged experience with urinary tract infections I am devoting this blog space to sharing learnings about living on the other side of that pain and torment. I hope you will check back here for tips, articles, and encouragement. Please also feel free to comment on anything you read here and to add your story to the mix.
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