Showing posts with label Essential Oils. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essential Oils. Show all posts

Essential Oils, DMSO and Bladder Pain

Women quite often suffer from bladder infections more than men because women have a shorter urethra, making easier access for bacteria to the bladder.  

Common symptoms of a urinary tract infection (including the bladder) often show up with sharp, burning pains that make peeing a torment.  These symptoms are described in the one word: cystitis, meaning inflamed, or burning, bladder.

**Therapeutic-grade pure EssentialOils--

  the "blood of the plant" that has been distilled at a low temperature in optimum conditions for preserving its nutrients-- have a history of healing that extends back to ancient times.  

You can read, for example, of over one hundred references to essential oils in the Bible. The Magi brought the oils of Frankinsence and Myrrh to the Christ Child because these precious substances were esteemed worthy of a king because of their valuable healing properties.
You might try any one of the following oils for bladder problems. 

The Essential Oils to try: Oregano. Mountain Savory. Tea Tree. Thyme. Cistus. Juniper. Rosemary or Clove.  

What to do:

**Try a "test" patch with a drop of oil to your wrist or arm first. 
**Always use a carrier oil and do not apply
internally to any body openings

Lie down, put a few drops (less=more)  of the oil over the bladder, diluted with a simple pure carrier oil (like coconut oil or almond oil, for example) and cover with a hot water bottle or warm moist towel. Do this several times a day.  **Do not apply internally.

That other Pain in the Bladder

Bladder pain-- diagnosed as 'interstitial cystitis'--has the following symptoms:
*Tenderness; chronic pain in the region of the bladder (pelvic area)
*Frequent urge to urinate
*The intensity of pain varies according to whether the bladder is filling or voiding
*Symptoms are generally worse during a woman's period

Although interstitial cystitis pain is related to dysfunction and physiology, and not generally to "infection," long-standing pain can certainly lower immunity.  Persons with I.C. are just as prone to infections as any other person.

If you have been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis you will want to discuss DMSO -- dimethyl sulfoxide--with your physician. 

 DMSO might be somewhat less well-known, but is actually a naturally-occurring compound that has been the subject of medical studies and is approved by the FDA for use in dealing with interstitial cystitis.  

DMSO is a by-product in the wood processing industry.  If you use it, you will inevitably be reminded of the smell of any pulp mills you have driven past, but, blessedly, the scent is forgotten when the quick-acting pain relief kicks in.  Or for most people, the 'fragrance' (similar to raw garlic) will be overlooked.  Those who are sensitive to the garlic smell will likely opt to use slower-acting and less reliable essential oils, or resort to pharmaceutical pain killers (many with worse side effects than a slight garlicky odour). 

Effective, Inexpensive DMSO:

***Consult with your health care provider before administering any essential oils or other aids to wellness. I am not a certified health care provider.  The information provided is the result of personal research and experience in using essential oil and DMSO with pain relief.

Chlamydia-- Another Possible Reason for Painful Urination (also Video)

Chlamydia, one of the most common sexually- transmitted diseases, is spread by Chlamydia trachomatis a hardy little organism that needs attacking on all possible fronts. If the infection spreads to the uterus, urination may become frequent and painful and periods may become heavier and more painful as well. It can also affect the liver and cause serious health issues for unborn babies. If untreated, chlamydia assaults the fallopian tubes and causes infertility.

It is a good plan to be checked for chlamydia at the time you have a Pap smear, if not more often, particularly if you have more than one sex partner, or if you suspect your partner has had more than one sex partner.

If you have chlamydia, abstain from sexual intercourse during the period of treatment. You and your partner(s) will each(all) have to be treated with antibiotics.

To help your body heal, during the antibiotic treatment you might want to try the essential oils of Tea Tree, Eucalyptus radiata, Melrose Blend, or Red Thyme. These are all very antibacterial and antifungal and will put the body in good condition. There is also a "synergistic" blend you can create that will be very effective in both a tampon and as a hydro-therapeutic addition.
15 drops of Tea Tree oil (therapeutic-grade only)
5 drops of Niaouli (found in Melrose Blend)
5 drops of Lavender (therapeutic-grade only)
Put 4 drops of the above blend into 8 ounces of warm water, soak a tampon and insert 2X a day, morning and evening. Remove before going to bed. Use a new tampon each time.

Fill a baby tub with cold water and a bath tub with warm water. Add 5 drops of the blend to both baths. Lower yourself into each bath four times in rotation over a twenty-minute period. Do this three times a week.

Massage your lower abdomen with a blend of:
Red Thyme 10 drops
Tea Tree 15 drops
Melrose Blend 5 drops
Dilute in 2 tablespoons Virgin Coconut Oil

The foregoing aromatherapy information was taken from "The Complete Book Of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy" by Valerie Worwood. Be sure to see a competent health care practitioner if you suspect you have a infection. The information on this site is just that-- information-- and is not meant as a prescription or cure.  Below is a useful informative video:

Learn Acupressure to Treat Urinary System Pain and Other Issues