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Showing posts with label Cleaning Genitals. Show all posts

Avoiding Kidney Damage with UTIs

by Joe Barton

Are you one of the millions who are searching for an effective UTI natural cure that works holistically with your body? If so, this article is for you!

About 8 to 12 million Americans will develop a urinary tract infection (UTI) in the next year. And most of these people deal with the uncomfortable and dangerous affects, including pain and burning in the bladder and abdomen when urinating, chills and fever. And many deal with these symptoms too long and suffer from severe kidney damage that could be fatal.

The good news is that curing your UTI is very simple. And you do not need any antibiotics (in fact antibiotics could cause more harm) with a UTI Natural Cure.

The Cause and Cure of the Infection

What causes urinary tract infections? In most cases, the infection is a result of bacteria, such as E coli, that get into the bladder or urinary tract. The bacteria immediately begins to multiply if the conditions are right.

Your body will typically be able to fight off the "bad" bacteria, but at certain times - when immunity is lower - the bacteria can proliferate and an infection is the result.

Typical treatments for the infections include a host of antibiotics that work to kill the bacteria. This might work if you were to become immune to the bacteria and never get an infection again. However, antibiotics also have their shortcomings because they also kill 'good' bacteria in the body. Not to mention, they also cause the bacteria to become completely resistant to antibiotics. In other words, you could be super-charging the bacteria for your next infection.

Researchers have found that people with re-occurring infections are usually people who have taken a number of antibiotics!

The good news is that you can naturally treat your UTI with simple remedies that naturally kill the E coli and flush it from the urinary tract.

Treatment Before Kidney Damage

If you notice blood in your urine, have excessive pain in your lower back or side, or have extended fever, nausea, or vomiting, contact your primary care physician immediately.

Kidney damage or failure is very serious and can be caused by urinary tract infections. Recurrent infections may cause scarring in the kidneys which can lead to high blood pressure and eventual kidney failure. Over time, urinary tract infections can also lead to other diseases and structural abnormalities. One common disease that is caused by recurrent infections is kidney stones.

Though you might be worried, it is important to know that you can cure your urinary tract infection in hours! In fact, if you practice simple lifestyle 'good' habits, this might be your last infection.

Here are Some Ways to Prevent UTIs

1. Drink plenty of fluids. Research shows that drinking plenty of water and even cranberry juice can reduce the chances of developing UTIs. Water will flush the system. And some think cranberries contain a compound that may stop certain bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract wall.

2. Urinate often and as much as possible. Do not give the bacteria time to attach itself to the bladder's walls.

3. Wipe from front to back to prevent the intestinal E coli from entering the urinary tract.

4. Clean the genital area every day and before and after sex.

5. Add parsley to your diet. This garnish provides the urinary tract with apiol which is a volatile oil that acts as a urinary tract antiseptic. We recommend boiling one cup of water, add 1 teaspoon of parsley (fresh or dried) and allow mixture to steep for 10 minutes. Strain parsley from water and drink up!

Cure Yourself at Home in 12 Hours

As you have learned, UTIs are nothing to mess around with! We encourage you to seek treatment as soon as possible. Any treatment is as good as no treatment. However, if you would like the knowledge to cure and prevent UTIs permanently, please visit our UTI Natural Cure website.

We offer a step by step, 100% guaranteed urinary tract infection natural remedy that uses the latest research and is even doctor-approved. For the most effective natural health information, check us out today!

Natural! Researched! Guaranteed! Joe Barton and Barton Publishing have helped thousands naturally treat their urinary tract infections with no antibiotics. For a UTI natural cure that works in less than 12 hours, please visit us for your health's sake.

UTI Natural Cure

Related Articles - UTI natural cure, naturally treat urinary tract infection, kidney damage, holistic, natural, remedy report, cure, treatment, E coli, Barton Publishing,

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