in the care of the human frame, in proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.
~Thomas Edison
On Thursday (tomorrow) I'm going for a session of iridology with Ray Kent, the fasting guru who spends his summers on Vancouver Island (and the rest of year trotting about the planet supervising fasts).
I've been doing some reading about iridology.
Proponents of iridology believe that each area of the body has a representative area in the iris of the eye. They believe that by looking into the iris, some of the early preconditions of disease can be seen.
The one other time I went in for an iridology appointment (my husband is a health nut who encourages me to try everything once) I was told that my hazel eyes were once blue. I do know that most Caucasian babies are born with bright, deep blue eyes, but that in time most of their eyes become other colors (like kittens?). Irodologists contend that the toxins from the stomach and intestine are represented by the yellow, green and brown colors in the iris. Iridology indicates that the body works like a giant resevoir that has been accumulating wastes for years-- that disease is usually an accumulation of events, not usually the result of a single stress or disease or infectious organism.
In the book Eating Alive: Prevention thru Good Digestion
You may want to take a look at this very interesting book, and to talk to your health care provider about what you can do to take down the toxic load. Native Remedies offers Kidney Dr. as a natural herbal means of cleansing and maintaining your kidneys.
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